10 August 2009

And So, A Beginning

My name is Josh, and this is my first blog.

I spent 10 minutes writing that line.  Introductions are boring and awkward things.

I taught a class the other day about whether or not the American Revolution is properly named.  Was it really a revolution?

What would you say?

I say no.

I think it was a secession.  We declared independence after many failed envoys to the King.

Stupid King.

Then we fought our way out of the hole dug for us by another kingdom.

Just a thought.  I'd be interested to know what you think.

Anyway.  I saw G.I. Joe this past weekend.

Aside from the cheesy lines, some poor action sequences (i.e. high stepping through the streets of France), Channing Tatum, cameos from Brendan Frasier and the guy who played Imhotep (yes, we know, you also directed the Mummy.  This is not something to brag about.  In fact, you should be glad they still allow you to make anything), and a less-than thought out plot, it wasn't that bad.

I think it had to be that way.  G.I. Joe is straight up jock.  As such, the movie had to be as well.  Conversely, Transformers was a hardcore geek kid show, so the movie should have been more in that vein.  I don't know how I feel about you Michael Bay.  I just don't know.

Again, correct me as needed.  Or assuage my ego and agree with me.  The former is welcome, the latter appreciated.

I kid.


Well, thank you for reading.  Yes, you.  The one person reading this.

I just hope that line wasn't talking to myself.


One last thing, a favor to me.  Please click my advertisements.  They help my wife and I make a living.  Also, they save animals, children, space, air, education, and Ray Liotta, or whatever else you're into.  Well, they don't, but it's fun to pretend...

More later.



  1. Anonymous Suhail10 August, 2009 11:56

    I don't know anything about the American Revolution, except that I'm American and I like the word 'revolver.'

    So yes, Josh you're right, and thus the de facto authority on all things revolutionary.

  2. Hi, my name is Adam and this is my first comment on this guy's blog.

    You will come to know me.
    You will come to love me.
    You will come to need me.

    I'm not commenting on this jokster's topics.

    1) i smell amazing
    2) i'm pretty sure olivia wilde hit on me the other day
    3) bruce lee.

    Click Josh's ads so he can buy food.
    Also, by clicking his ads you will allow me to eat all of his food.

    Love, Hugs, and Kisses

    Adam...bustin' out the Oxford Comma
